Class of 1955, Rose Hill, Kansas

Class News

Here is where we keep up to date on what's happening with classmates and let them know about our activities.
To read older news check the archives at the bottom.

Visit With Wayne

All available class members gathered for lunch at Panera Bread prior to visiting Wayne Bacon.
  • Larry, Marion, Paula & Rich, James, Charlene & Don, Dick, Juanita, and Ann.
    Larry, Marion, Paula & Rich, James, Charlene & Don, Dick, Juanita, and Ann.
  • Richard Pearson, Don Davis, Dick Albirght, Marion Futhey, and Larry Young visit with Wayne..
    Richard Pearson, Don Davis, Dick Albirght, Marion Futhey, and Larry Young visit with Wayne..
Wayne celebrated his 80th birthday February 24.
    Name or Year
    Last Update

    Updated: Saturday, June 5, 2021