Class of 1955, Rose Hill, Kansas

Class News

Here is where we keep up to date on what's happening with classmates and let them know about our activities.
To read older news check the archives at the bottom.

Our 55 Year Reunion Plans!

Six members of the class of '55 met last night to discuss a reunion for our 55th graduation anniversary. Marion Futhey, James Walton, Jack Carr, Dick Albright, Don Davis and Richard Pearson decided on May 28, 29, and 30 as the best dates. It will be similar to the 50th reunion and will include a catered meal at the senior center Friday night, the alumni banquet on Saturday night, and Sunday brunch. More details will be published as planning progresses.

Marion Celebrates

We all have birthdays and some celebrate each one. Marion Futhey's kids and grand kids got together recently for his big day and here is the result.
Marion Futhey

They said I needed a stronger prescription. Is this really the latest thing in eyewear?


Marion's Son in the News

Daryl Futhey, Marion's son, was recently featured on the Davis Moore Ford web site. He is a Ford Senior Master with over 20 years experience and was the Number One Ford Tech in the nation in 2007. Daryl is second from the left in the picture. Great work!
Daryl Futhey

Dick Albright Goes Fishing

Dick Albright had a good day at an unnamed fishing hole near Piedmont yesterday. Between three anglers they caught 81 bass and crappie in three hours! Click on the picture for a better look. Hope they know a lot of ways to prepare fish.
  • The catch.
    The catch.
    A fine kettle of fish; 2 actually.
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    Updated: Saturday, June 5, 2021