Class of 1955, Rose Hill, Kansas

Vernon Timmons

Some of the companies I have worked for include the following:
  • Byron Stout Pontiac in Wichita from June 1955 to February 1956.
  • The U.S. Navy from February 1956 to April 1960.
  • Tractor Supply Co. in Wichita from June 1960 to 1962.
  • Boeing from 1962 to 1966.
  • Sulue Trailer Co. in Wichita 1966 to 1968.
  • L. A. Knebler Construction Co. from 1968 to 1998 in Augusta.
I took early retirement in 1998 and now work part time for Steven Buick in Wichita.

Married Joy J. Brown in 1962. We have two children:
1. Son - Vernon Stephen Timmons, born 1963, not married.
2. Daughter - Susanna Kaylea Jackson, born 1966, married to Raymond Jackson in November 1984.

We have one grand child - Courtney Jackson, born May 1992.

My hobbies are:
  • Sports official in football and basketball for the State of Kansas from 1968 to 1998.
  • Coach softball and baseball in Rose Hill.
  • Summer ball program off and on from 1968 to 1994.
  • Like to go to sports games and watch games on TV.
Vern Timmons
Current address: 541 Parkwood, Rose Hill, KS 67133