Class of 1955, Rose Hill, Kansas

Class News

Here is where we keep up to date on what's happening with classmates and let them know about our activities.
To read older news check the archives at the bottom.

Rich & Paula Visit L. C. Crouch

Richard and Paula Pearson were in Topeka on business last week and had the opportunity to visit with former Superintendent L. C. Crouch, and his wife, Betty. They reside in Topeka and were very excited to have Rich & Paula stop by for a visit. They are in pretty good condition considering he is eighty-eight and she is almost eighty-five. They remember the class of '55 well and spoke highly of the class and of the Rose Hill community.
  • L. C. talks with Rich.
    L. C. talks with Rich.
  • L. C., Betty, and Rich.
    L. C., Betty, and Rich.

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    Updated: Saturday, June 5, 2021